Friday, July 1, 2011

what, is, wrong, with, a, better way,

I ask you this: what is wrong with a better way, a better life? Obviously nothing, right? It’s laudible. So, then, isn’t the dream of a better life, perhaps a different life — maybe one a little foreign to us — isn’t that better than the dream of an empty one perfected? Better than being a “star” in a place devoid of culture or true importance? Better than wanting, needing to be the biggest fly on the pile of rancid crap that is modern American media? We are stale. We are day-old. We are hard and brittle and crumbling. We look at endless remakes on the big screen starring generic blonds with fake boobs and botox cheeks, or fools on the small screen, chasing monsters and phantoms, and we call that entertainment. But that’s the ironic part right there — because those fools already caught them. They HAVE the ghosts ensnared, week after week after week.


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