Wednesday, July 27, 2011

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Audrey Lasserre
Obviously, yes, because in the article, it is just matter of Margarete Zimmerman , comparative to the Freie University of Berlin, and Renate Kroll, Professor of Science of Romance literature at the University of Siegen, whose work since the mid-1990s, contributed to the institutionalization of gender studies in Germany, while the Romance was behind in this area.
Christine Plante
Things also vary within the disciplines , in different countries. Colleagues working in Romance are more reluctant to use these models and analytical schemes as those working in comparative literature or English literature or American. The question is interesting because everything that has been raised can go either to increase the number of logical steps which appear identity or to a fragmentation of identities. You can either multiply the eligible categories and analyze everything from there, the cross is so that ultimately there is no more class , since every individual is at the intersection of several determinations. Intersectionality was born of black feminism and feminist women double discomfort black, who felt forgotten and also poorly represented in anti-racist movements and feminist movements. It is a process that also requires a reflection on political rights, on social relations, institutional issues, which shows that Ray Ban Cheap is not an addition of sexual orientation, color , religion, gender ... we can locate an individual, but everything is redefined and rearticulates chacun.e differently. This leads Cheap Sunglasses Roberto Cavalli to be an inability to define a category , and the fact that the coherence of the category itself, whatever it is, is problematic-namely, that of sex, or " of women. " This is one of the great criticisms of feminism: the feminist subject - in the words of Judith Butler - is a white woman, urban, middle class or wealthy, heterosexual. Therefore, what about the others? Are women less? This is a logical breakdown of identities leading to Queer Studies.


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